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Join a Community today and grow closer to the Lord through fellowship!

Adult Scripture Studies Program

Lenten Bible Study

  • The Passion and Resurrection Narratives of Jesus

    • When: Sunday Morning 9-11am or Monday Night 7-9pm​

    • March 9 or 10 - Ongoing

Contact, Bill Grattendick,

​Tuesday Morning Bible Study

  • To Be Determined

Contact Helene McKee,

"Blessed is She" (BIS)

Blessed is She is about prayer, fellowship, and growing closer to God through our Catholic faith. Have you been searching for a deeper relationship with Jesus? Are you looking for a place to be able to share and grow in your spiritual journey with other women? This is a devotional-based program for women where we discover more about our Catholic faith by watching a short video together.  Then we discuss and answer thought-provoking questions that help us better live our faith and grow in our relationship with God.  There is no homework or preparation needed, except to show up.

All women are welcome!

Zoom (

Meeting ID: 821 0848 1922
Passcode: 435988


All women are welcome! Please join us on this journey.

Contact, Kendall Lasseigne at 337-519-7272 or Jennifer Wallace at 203-448-8749 or email 

Caregivers of the Memory-Challenged

Join our supportive community of caregivers who support those with memory loss. You'll find fellowship, prayer, and valuable insights on being an exceptional caregiver. Our meetings rotate every two weeks from in-person to Zoom, offering both a chance to connect face-to-face and also participate from the comfort of your home.  We are using the "Nourish for Caregivers" program, that the parish recently acquired, which provides a faith-based platform to support you and also gives you a virtual plethora of resources. No matter what level of care you provide, participating in this group can better help you in this important ministry.. Remember, you are not alone—taking care of yourself is crucial to being the best caregiver you can be, and we’re here to help you every step of the way. Meeting on alternating Mondays at 10 a.m. (in Room 10 when person-to-person).


If you're interest in joining, contact Bill at

Curso de Biblia (Bible Study in Spanish)

Viernes 9:30 A 12:00

Febrero 7 - Mayo 2, 2025

Salon 20

Contact: Gaby Cadena,

Missionaries of Rosa Mystica

Our Mission | Based on our vocation we are to be Disciples of Christ called to bring the good news.Through intercessory prayer; we will combat evil, heal; bring knowledge of God and spread the message of Maria Rosa Mystica. We must always be ready to say yes to God because we will be called at anytime and anywhere to do His will. A solid Sacramental life, praying the Rosary, chaplets (Chaplet of Tears; Chaplet of St. Michael; and Chaplet of Divine Mercy) and taking time to listen to God will be our tools. The Great Wind (the Holy Spirit) the wind of changes will be our compass, guiding us under the mantle of Maria Rosa Mystica by the love of her son Jesus Christ.

Who are We? We are a men and women’s intercessory prayer group devoted to Our Blessed Mother Maria Rosa Mystica and Jesus Christ, her son. 

What Do we Do? We pray through Mary, the Perfect Intercessor, to Jesus for our parish and lifting up the prayer requests of our parishioners and intentions placed in St. Simon and Jude's petition box. We pray for all of the petitions, yet we only read aloud the petitions marked “yes”, as pray The Chaplet of Tears based on the seven sorrowful mysteries of Mary. The petition box is carried up during the offertory at every mass and placed under the altar. Next to the Most Precious Blood of Jesus there is nothing more touching and effective than the tears of our heavenly Mother!

When and Where? We meet in the chapel at the back of the church every Monday at 7:00 p.m.

Please join us! We invite you to join us in praying for the needs of our parish, our ministries, our clergy and parishioners.  St. Paul tells us "With all prayer and supplication, pray at every opportunity in the Spirit." (Eph 6:18)

St. Monica's Moms

Are you a mom looking for a morning break? Whether you’ve just dropped them off at Mother’s Day Out or at college, join our new mom's group for coffee, fellowship, and engaging discussion! Meet us at Room 1 & 2, where Stacey Fontenot, a nutritionist and our community leader, will guide us through "The Catholic Table," exploring how our faith inspires a healthy, meaningful approach to eating well. We meet every Monday at 9:30 AM in Rooms 1 & 2.


To join, contact Stacey at

Sts. Simon and Jude Women's Book Study

This is a Faith Sharing group that was established in 2016 and is open to Women of our SSJ Parish. This Group gathers bimonthly on Thursday nights, for prayer and to discuss books based on timely topics of our Catholic Faith and their connection to our own faith journeys. Scripture, the Church’s Teaching, and the Voices of the Saints are interwoven into our conversations.


Our Patron Saint is Mother Teresa of Calcutta

We Meet on Zoom, Thursdays, 7 to 9 pm.

Current Study – Opening the Holy Doors by Joan Watson

Session 2025 is Open. Contact Joanne Yantosca,

Walking with a Purpose

Women’s Book Studies:

Passionate Discipleship a Study of 2 Timothy is a 9 week study starting January 15th @ 9:45AM fellowship and 10AM start time in rooms 1-4.  Throughout Church history, men and women have spent their lives on mission, committed to spreading the gospel message. They were disciples who made disciples. Passionate Discipleship is a Bible study focused on equipping women to know Christ and to make Him known. Register by using the QR code or calling Tami O’Brien 281-787-0216


Our PM group continues with Touching The Divine, the Study of John. All are welcome! 

All are welcome bring our Bible! Contact, Tami O’Brien 281-787-0216 | 

Watchman | That Man is You (TMIY)

Our purpose is for men of Sts. Simon and Jude to connect on a regular basis. We join together in prayer, meditation, and support of each other. Our focus is on prayer, scripture, traditions, and our role as Catholic men. We meet each Friday morning, before the workday, at 6:00 a.m. Bring your Bible and have coffee and friendship in Christ. All men of faith are welcome in this group.


TMIY is an interactive men’s program combining the best research from science with the teaching of the Catholic faith and the wisdom of the saints to develop the vision of man fully alive. By honestly addressing the pressures and temptations that men face in our modern culture, That Man is You! seeks to form men who will be capable of transforming homes and society.


Domec Hall | 5:45 a.m. - 7:00 a.m.

Breakfast | Video Presentation | Small Groups


For more information contact

Small Communities - Why Catholic?

Are Catholics ready to "Go and Make Disciples" - THE ANSWER IS YES! - WHY CATHOLIC? Presented by Renew International

Catholics often face opportunities to share their faith with others but lack the basic knowledge and confidence to do so. Why Catholic? It has a rich scriptural and catechetical approach that gives a solid foundation for every Catholic to express their faith and reach out to others in faith.

Whether you meet in the home or on the SSJ campus, there is a group to fit everyone! Learn how you can turn to your church to meet more people, build community and grow in your faith journey by joining SSJ Small Communities. We’d love to have you!

Join SSJ Small Communities Today! English and Spanish available

Contact, Donna Cox,

SSJ Young Professionals

Are you a young adult (age 21-39) looking for ways to connect with the parish community? Whether you’re single, dating, married, a student, a professional, or somewhere in between, we would love to have you join us!


Join our Sts. Simon and Jude Young Professionals for fellowship, Bible study, faith events, service opportunities, social activities, and more! Click here for more details! 

You can also find us on Facebook: SSJ Young Professionals 

Contact, Hope Murphy

Caregivers of the Memory-Challenged
Blessed is She
Spanish Bible Study
Adult Scripture Study
Missionaries of Rosa Mystica
St. Monica's Moms
SSJ Women's Book Study
Walking With Purpose
Small COmmunities - Why Catholic
Young Professionals
Emerging Young Adults

Emerging Young Adults

Are you and recent High School Graduate or in your fist 2 years of college? Are you looking for a way to stay connected to your home here at Sts. Simon and Jude? Are you 18-21 years old? Have we got the group for you! 

Join our Sts. Simon and Jude Emerging Young Adults for fellowship, bible study, service projects, social activities and more!

You can find us on GroupMe: Just click here!

Contact: Victoria Medrano

Parishioner Testimonials


Hello Parhishioner

Feel free to email me your testimonial for this section of the website.

Let's say you! What news would you like to share?

Saint Simon and Jude Catholic Church

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Contact Us

26777 Glen Loch Drive

The Woodlands, TX 77381

Main: 281-367-9885

Fax: 281-367-9888

Office Hours

Monday - Friday

9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Closed for Lunch

12 p.m. - 1 p.m. 

*Closed for Thanksgiving (11/27-29)

In the Know

Stay up to date with SSJ events, activities, zoom meetings and more, by signing up for Flocknotes.

Have an idea for our Parish? We want to hear from you.

Thanks for submitting!

© 2023 by Saint Simon and Jude Catholic Church.

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